Illustration by Katie Horwich


Runaway Mothers

The number of children being taken into care in England is at a ten year high. Many families face repeat court-orders to remove subsequent children.

This is Zara’s story. Her first two children were removed. When she was 37 weeks pregnant with her third child, she fled the country and went to France. France is seen as a safe haven. A place were mothers in Zara’s situation might be able to keep their children. Journalists have done this story, but what hasn’t been documented is the plight of women and their families when it all goes wrong.

“The woman locked the door behind us and took the key out of the door.”

Zara highlights the dangers she faced and the decisions she regrets. She also talks about the underground Facebook groups that support Runaway Mothers as well as the wealthy individual who frequently funds them.

“I’ve been saying for years, I am worried that a child or mother has to die before anyone does anything.”

BBC W0man’s Hour used the long form feature to set up a discussion. Presenter Jenni Murray with a panel of experts talk about women who face repeat removals of children and what support vulnerable families require to break the cycle.  

LISTEN: BBC Radio 4 Woman’s Hour

READ Long Form Feature with original illustrations: BBC Stories Online


Syria to Freedom


The Emotional Cost of Caring